Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ender's Game

"I'm your tool, and what difference does it make if I hate the part of me that you most need?" - Ender's Game Pg. 130

Every time I told a guy that I was trying to read more "boy books" I was asked "So are you going to read Ender's Game?" I quickly realized that this was a book I had to read.

Although Orsen Scott Card wrote Ender's Game in the 1980's I think that the book still holds its own amongst more recent young adult literature. The book focuses on Ender, a young boy who has been chosen to be trained as a soldier for the International Fleet, the army sworn to protect Earth from the alien "buggers." Ender is taken away from his family and placed in Battle School on a space shuttle. There Ender begins a journey of figuring out exactly what his role in the universe is.

With its focus on war and technology I can definitely see why Ender's Game is a preferred book among boys. I plan to recommend it to my future students and although I wouldn't be inclined to use it as a whole class text I think it would make a great literature circle novel.

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